Feng Shui Guide for 2025 Annual Layout (3)







  1. 避免放置水晶或陶瓷瓦质摆件
  2. 挂上一套清代真古钱


  • 保持东北方的整洁和安静,避免堆积杂物或制造噪音。
  • 尽量减少在此方位的活动,以避免被五黄之气影响。
  • 可在此方位摆放金属材质的摆件,如铜葫芦或金属钟,进一步化解煞气。




In the Feng Shui configuration for 2025, aside from the auspicious directions to utilize, there are also certain inauspicious sectors to be cautious about. Among them, the Northeast is a key area of concern. This year, the Five Yellow Misfortune Star flies into the Northeast, potentially bringing mishaps and obstacles. Proper remedies are essential to neutralize its negative energy and ensure harmony in your home or office.

The Impact of the Five Yellow Misfortune Star

The Five Yellow is a powerful and destructive star associated with accidents, health issues, and financial problems. Without proper mitigation, it can cause disruptions to those occupying or frequently using the affected area. With the Northeast being its location in 2025, extra care is required to manage this sector.

Northeast Layout Recommendations

To counter the negative influence of the Five Yellow Star, follow these Feng Shui tips:

  1. Avoid Crystal or Ceramic Decorations
    Crystal and ceramic items can amplify the negative energy of the Five Yellow Star. Refrain from placing such objects in the Northeast. Instead, consider using metal-based items, such as copper wind chimes or metallic ornaments, to neutralize the harmful energy.
  2. Hang a Set of Genuine Qing Dynasty Coins
    If the main door or entrance of your home or office is in the Northeast, it is recommended to hang a set of genuine Qing Dynasty coins near the entrance. The historical energy and metal properties of these coins can effectively dissolve the negative effects of the Five Yellow Star and bring peace and stability to the space.

Additional Precautions

  • Keep the Northeast sector clean and quiet, avoiding clutter or loud noises that may disturb the energy.
  • Minimize activity in this area to reduce exposure to its negative influence.
  • Place metal objects like a brass gourd or metal clock in the Northeast for added protection against misfortune.


In 2025, the Northeast is a critical sector to monitor due to the presence of the Five Yellow Misfortune Star. By avoiding improper placements and implementing effective Feng Shui remedies, you can mitigate its harmful effects and safeguard the harmony of your home or office.

Wishing you and your family a safe and prosperous 2025!

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